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For Immediate Release – September 23, 2019
Sacramento, Calif. – A broad coalition of small businesses, taxpayers, employers and services providers announced forming the California Tax and Budget Research Project (CTBRP) to educate Californians about the harmful impacts of imposing a new sales tax on services on the state’s economy, budget, consumers and taxpayers.

Editorial: Sacramento Considers Billions of Dollars in Tax and Fee Increases. They Should All Be Voted Down.
Californians are among the most taxed Americans in the country. But that’s not enough for the politicians in Sacramento, who have proposed over $6 billion in tax and fee increases in the first months of the 2019-20 legislative session, according to the California Tax Foundation.

Editorial: CalChamber-Backed Study Says Service Tax Would Disadvantage California Businesses
Aiming to short-circuit an idea that has long captured the imagination, if not yet the votes, of legislators, a study backed by California Chamber of Commerce has found that adopting a business service tax

Editorial: California Businesses Should Reject Efforts Leveraging Threat of Split Roll For Other Tax Hikes
Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to make a deal for tax reform in California. Perhaps echoing his campaign slogan, “Courage, for a change,” he told reporters that Gov. Jerry Brown “had no interest in this, even at the peak of his power, influence and insight.”
"Taxing business services will drive up costs for small businesses in California and put them at a disadvantage to big companies, who can bring professional services in house to avoid the impact of a tax."
“Taxes are so high in California that many longtime residents and employers are moving to states where the cost of living is lower. Additional tax increases would make it more difficult for working families to live and thrive in California. We need to make it cheaper to live in this state, not more expensive."
"As a small business owner, I already struggle with the high costs of doing business in California. A sales tax on business services will drive up those costs even more, and could force me to make cuts to stay competitive."
“If the problem is budget volatility, then a sales tax on services is not the solution, no matter how it’s structured,”